Story of Heidelberg Beer
Launched in the Age of Aquarius – Heidelberg, heritage and beer have a great history to share. From the old railway tracks of the North West in America you are invited to our Brewhouse at Heidelberg Heritage Museum. It is to be found on the old South Eastern line in South Africa, where Heidelberg was the capital of the old ZAR. Here the Luyt dr Anton Rupert flirted with the idea of bringing Heidelberg Beer home. Happiness was a Heidelberg and sponsored the 1974 unbeaten British & Irish Lion’s to South Africa. Now the stars have realigned in the Y – shaped asterism of the Urn of Aquarius. Thanks to our experienced master brewer, TK, we will be turning Heidelberg water into Heidelberg Beer. All for you to enjoy. So come, taste and rate our stars.
Our List of
Heritage Beers
Heidelberg, heritage and beer has one goal in common. We want everyone to look up, smell the malt, see the truth, converse, share accept each other and taste the stars.
Black Stout Matters
Black holes and dark matter account for most of the mass of the universe. Heidelberg gave the great Nelson Mandela honorary citizenship and our Black Stout was brewed in his honor. With a distinct “Bean to Heidelberg” coffee flavor, this one will give you the “Amandla” (strength) to finish any long walk to freedom.
6% ABV / 32 IBUs
Ghandi’s Ale
Our Indian Pale Ale celebrates the visitations of the great Mahatmar Ghandi. His detention as that of Churchill here at our station left a bitter aftertaste. Our English Indian style ale is hoppy and fruity by nature. We don’t keep prisoners anymore so you can enjoy one more.
5.5% ABV / 30 IBUs
Prince of Pilsner
1903 marks the year that Columbia breweries first brewed the Alt Heidelberg Beer, the brightest of our stars. Originally brewed in North West USA, Heidelberg beer has a rich history. From North-West to South-East (where our railway line can be found) our Prince of Pilsner can be seen as the Columbia breweries long lost cousin. A cousin with a story to tell that began with his father Oom Paul. On 10 October 1895 Former President Paul Kruger officially opened the line at Heidelberg Station, the home of our Prince of Pilsner.
4.5% ABV / 25 IBUs
Master's Weiss
Our SA style masterclass Weiss beer celebrates both the founder of our town Ueckerman, it may be noted that he was a Masterbuilder and Kliese, who was Heidelberg Beer’s first Masterbrewer. Our Weiss is low in bitterness with a malty taste and a SA spin. Too many may even have the Masters’ “ge-koring”.
4% ABV / 12 IBUs